OGC(r) schema version ReadMe.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- More information on OGC standards may be found at https://www.ogc.org/standards/ The most current UML models are available at https://uml.opengis.net/ . The official namespace of the OpenGIS® is http://www.opengis.net/ . The most current schema are available at http://schemas.opengis.net/ . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- [ VERSION NOTES ] -------------------------------------------------- OGC is incrementally changing how schemas will be hosted. A new revision of the Specification Best Practice policy document (06-135r11) clarifies this practices. OGC is moving to host the schemas using a 2 digit version number so that dependent documents (schemas) will not have to change each time a schema is corrected (by a corrigendum). The schemas actual version number will be kept in the version attribute on the schema element which will be used to signify that there has been a change to the schema. Each previous revision will be available online in a ZIP archive. The LATEST version is the M.N directory where * M is the major version * N is the minor version The latest bugfix version now is always in the M.N directory and documented in the version attribute on the schema element. The older versions are now archived in the -M_N_X.zip files. Previously the OGC used M.N.C where * M is the major version * N is the minor version * C is the corrigendum version These older M.N.C versions will be updated using M.N.C.X where X may be a bugfix version. These schema will also be .zip archived. -- 2010-01-21 Kevin Stegemoller updated 2012-07-21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Policies, Procedures, Terms, and Conditions of OGC(r) are available http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/legal/ . Copyright (c) 2022 Open Geospatial Consortium. -----------------------------------------------------------------------